The process for a Space and Lease Request or a Minor Renovation Request begins here with the completion of the appropriate form. This centralizes these requests, places them in a queue, and initiates a review of requests by OSM, Facilities Design and Construction (FDC), or the Real Estate Office (REO) as needed. This coordinated review will determine the office best suited to develop a solution. Once a determination has been made OSM processes and packages the request neatly in a PDF document and replies via email to the requestor – affirming the receipt of the request and communicating next steps.

Depending on your space needs, the process for accommodating a new space need can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more. Even though needs vary, the typical process for securing additional space, both on and off-campus, is outlined below:

  1. Unit administrator or designee fills out the Space/Lease Request Form
  2. The Office of Space Utilization and Planning (OSM) discusses and validates the need with the unit administrator and determines the programmatic space need and any renovation or construction needed.
  3. The unit, OSM, and the UNCG Real Estate Office assess the need and potential solutions and determine if it should be addressed in University space or in leased space. The decision to seek additional space needs to be carefully made, taking into account a number of factors, including:
    • How much space is needed?
    • How long is the space needed and when is it needed by?
    • What type of space is needed?
    • What location best suits the programic needs of the requested space?
    • What type of unit funding is available to pay for the cost of additional space and the cost to renovate or construct additional space to accommodate the need?
    • What opportunities are there to partner with other units to meet the need?
  4. OSM will then make a recommendation to the University Space and Property Review Committee (USPRC) for approval.

UNC Greensboro
800 Oakland Ave
Greensboro, NC 27402

